Please note that we will be asking all program participants to respect the following, due to the current COVID situation:
- All participants participating in activities from the PTC this season will be asked to complete an online participant information form and complete and sign a waiver in advance of participation in our programming.
- Please maintain all guidelines from the County of Brant as posted at the courts for their safe use
- Maintain social distancing of at least two metres, on and off the courts, for maximum safety, at all times.
These Submissions will be Mandatory for all Club Members, both Junior and Adult, beginning on Monday, June 8th.
Hello Tennis Players!
Thank for your interest in our 2020 season and your participation in our first ever week of Junior Tryouts (Try-it-outs?).
We’re very happy to be able to offer lessons to the majority of all of our participants.
Emails have been sent out. Please check your inbox for your lesson groupings, with Coach Jourdyn, Coach Dora and Coach Tom.
If you were expecting to hear form me, and you have not, I may have an out of date or missing contact for you. Please send me an email directly to tom@theparisclub.ca, with the name and age of your student and your contact information.
Online Program Purchase Links:
If Junior Membership Still Required:
Participant Information Link (required – waiver):
http://theparisclub.ca/participant-registration/ We are set to begin lessons on This Week on Monday, Tuesday AM,Wednesday, and Thursday.
In the even of inclement weather communication to reschedule will come from your coach directly.
Thanks for your participation in our sport.
Tom Tranmer
& the Paris Tennis Club Team