Yes, that PARTICIPACTION. If you’re at least my age then you likely remember the commercials with Hal and Joanne on public access television.
Well, PARTICIPACTION is back with a community challenge for us here in Brant County. Fortunately for them, with tennis players on their team we’ve got his competition in the bag! As you can see below, Competitive Night Tennis last night, along with coaching our great kids has me surpassed the WEEKLY GOAL.
Multiply that by the 19 Players we had last night (9 kids and 10 adults) and I’d say we can take on any community 🙂
The challenge starts on Friday, May 31st, so login at the website and/or get the app and join me in testing the limits of what their tracking system can handle and let’s show these community challengers how we really move!
Phone Screenshot, Tuesday AM:
PARTICIPACTION App Phone Screenshot – Click to visit the Community Challenge Website
Here are the details of the competition below from your recreation team at County of Brant
The County of Brant Recreation Team has an exciting opportunity for our communities. We are participating in ParticipACTION’S Community Better Challenge, this is a new event that just started this year.
What is it?
The ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge is a physical activity challenge. It is open to all communities and individuals, to recognize Canada’s Most Active Community and awarding it with $150,000.00 to support local physical activity initiatives. Five regional winners will also be recognized and receive $20,000.00 each to support local physical activity initiatives. The challenge period is; May 31st to June 16th, 2019.
Why Get Involved? The challenge will help strengthen our communities through physical activity and sport. The Community Better Challenge encourages all Canadians to sit less and move more together, through our ongoing programming, activities and events that we are already promoting through June is Recreation and Parks Month. Time to show Canada what Brant County Sport Clubs, Organizations, and affiliates have to offer!
The County of Brant is taking the lead and encouraging our communities to be more physical active, by creative inclusive programming and by being more socially connected.
How to Get involved? All that is required are the following; 1. Download the ParticipACTION app and track your personal minutes as well up too 6 family members;
We invite you to join us in our efforts to being CROWNED CANADA’S MOST ACTIVE COMMUNITY.
Rogers Cup is coming soon! Read on below for Club Trip info.
SEE YOU TONIGHT at 8:00 for Mixed Doubles Play!
All Players Welcome!
Help out a Western U Student
My name is Sarah Deck, and I am a PhD student at Western University. I am studying emotions and coping in athletes, specifically double racquet sport athletes. I have two studies, that you, and hopefully members of your club would be interested in participating in. We (myself and my supervisor Dr. Hall) are curious about the impact of partnerships on emotional responses of athletes. For example, if emotional responses become similar over a season. One of the studies would take place over your next competative season, and involves meeting with the athletes three times (beginning, middle and end of season), at a time that would work best for them. The partners do need to agree and participant together. The second study, is an online survey, that takes 5-10 minutes to fill out, and asks athletes about their emotional regulation when playing with their doubles partners. If you are interested and would like to know or discuss more, I would be happy to send you the letter of information or set up a call or meeting. I think this research would be very helpful for athletes, and would love if you and your members would like to be involved!
Below is the link to the online survey, we would be happy if you could forward this to your members or any contacts you may have that would be interested.
Sarah Deck, MSc Western University T: (905) 902-1238 E:
FRI Green Level 4:30pm Adult Int. 6:00pm SAT Red Level 9:00am – Coach Tom MON Red Level 5:30pm – Coach Tom Orange Level 6:30pm WED Orange Level 5:30pm Green Level 6:30pm
THU *TONIGHT* Adult Mixed Social 8:00pm FRI Adult AM Doubles Matches 7:00am ** DROP-IN FIRST SESSION ** MON Adult Competitive 8:00pm TUE Adult Ladies 7:30pm
Notes: both Adults and Juniors are also welcome to join me for drop-in and open practice rallies and drills sessions in the practice timeslots on weekdays as per below.
Friday AM Play session will be set to begin on Friday May 24th, following Victoria Day Weekend at 7:00am – 8:30am. The first week will be DROP IN, no registration required, but Email me if you can!
Merchant of Tennis is hosting Player Appreciation Day on May 25th at its 2 locations (1621 Bayview Ave., Toronto & 361 Cornwall Road, Olde Oakville Marketplace, Oakville).
If you can’t make it in person, you can shop for great deals online at: .
Make sure to save the date for savings on all the latest equipment and apparel!
Late registrants will be offered pro-rated lesson rates for lessons remaining, based on coaching and court availability. Once the session have been filled, registration will be closed until the summer sessions.
Good video coaching showing the difference in the swing path trajectory to hit a flat drive on the serve. A good review for those with “natural” swing path service spin.
Note: Due to school bus schedules in May, Tom will be arriving 30 minutes later @4pm for May only.
FRI Warm-Up w/ Tom 4:00pm – 4:30pm SAT Drop-In Scramble *Open Play* No Coaches 10:00am – 11:30am MON Drop-In Practice & Play w/ Tom 4:00pm – 5:00pm TUE Drop-In Practice & Play w/ Tom OFF WED Drop-In Practice & Play w/ Tom 4:00pm – 5:00pm THU Warm-Up w/ Tom 4:00pm – 4:30pm
Planning Begins, ROGERS CUP CLUB TRIP 2019!
The Ladies of the WTA will be in Toronto this year, including Canada’s own Premier Mandatory Champion, BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells in 2019, Bianca Andreescu. Let’s go cheer them on as a club and see some great matches LIVE.
If you’re interested in the event, send me a message to to get on the email list for direct communication.
The Club Trip in 2018 saw some wicked singles and doubles matches!
FYI: The typical procedure for weather is as follows for all programming: **
If the weather is certain that the program needs to be cancelled in advance of the lesson start, an email notice will go out to Students of a Lesson Program, 1 hour – 45 minutes in advance of the start time.
If a last-minute lesson cancellation is required due to weather (within 45 min or lesson start or lesson end) the cancellation will be posted to our Public Facebook Page at:
So keep an eye on your email on program days and check out the Facebook Page for the latest updates.
Friday AM Match Play
New for 2019!!!
At GSM this winter, we have been playing a Friday AM Match Play with a keen group of players and are looking to continue this offering at PTC and also expand it to fill our Spring and Summer Seasons for players at both clubs.
All players will be grouped according to:
Player availability
Skill level
Game preference
Interested members should submit their names and availability to me (Tom) for the months of May and June in the AM. I will be working with all players to see about how we can work it out to get as many interested players out on court for organized match play.
Match play with be organized with the coaches and will be announced via email and posted for players on the website at